God’s Perfect Plan

Guest Post by Dana Arcuri

Have you ever questioned why your life hasn’t turned out the way you had originally planned? Ever felt utterly frustrated about not reaching your true potential within a particular time frame?

Recently, I’ve been disappointed in myself for not being able to keep up with my passion for writing in the midst of my ongoing medical challenges. I clearly sense that I am an interrupted writer, despite the books and articles I’m earnestly working on while the annoying clock continues to quickly tick away.

There is so much I want to accomplish as a freelance writer, so many lifelong dreams and amazing aspirations that I have for my future. However, living with Fibromyalgia, 4 bulging discs, stubborn kidney stones, and Interstitial Cystitis does tend to negatively impact my consistency in writing.

My productivity and motivation come to a screeching halt when I’m struggling with unexpected flare-ups and chronic pain. It’s as if my life suddenly stops when the rest of the world is carrying on and going about business as usual.

As disheartening as this is to me, I have faith that God has a perfect timing and purpose planned out before me, which He will see to completion—on His clock, not mine. Philippians 1:6 affirms this hope of mine by declaring Paul’s words of wisdom: “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Therefore, I reassure myself that my book will eventually be written to completion if it’s the Lords will to have it published. Whether I complete my book this year, next year, or much later in life, it will still be absolutely thrilling to achieve this lifelong dream.

God’s perfect time, plan, and purpose for our lives may not always appear logical to us when we are looking at it from our human perspective. Sometimes we get so caught up in lofty ideas and our personal agenda, we actually end up resisting the very thing God set out for us to do.

Eventually, we may find ourselves recklessly floundering in the dark and stumbling to find direction. After we reach a dead end, we meekly determine that God’s way may actually be the best way. Ultimately, this is the crucial time to humbly submit to God’s predestined will for our lives, trusting in His perfect plan.

Total surrender.

Not our way. Not our will. God’s way. God’s will.

“Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.” Ephesians 1:11

Therefore, do not fear. May we go forth boldly into the world trusting our faithful God. He has the perfect time, plan and purpose of our lives in the palm of His hand. Despite our hardships, trials, or wordly flesh, God will powerfully intervene on our behalf and direct our paths to receive His abundant blessings.


Dana Arcuri is a faith-inspired writer, contributing author, blogger and licensed beauty expert.  She is a passionate, heart-felt writer who provides her readers encouragement, hope and inspiration as she shares her love of Christ. Her articles have been published by Escalate Media for TotallyHer.com and she has been published as a contributing author in Inspired Women Succeed, released in 2011. Dana can be contacted by email at dana122163@comcast.net or by visiting her blog at http://writing4theheart-n-soul.blogspot.com/.

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2 thoughts on “God’s Perfect Plan

  1. Dana, as I was reading your post, I had the thought that perhaps one reason for the delay in completing your book is that the Lord has more to show you, more to teach you, more for you to see of Him in order that you might share these rich experiences with others. I am so sorry about your physical issues, but again, perhaps it’s in these times He will reveal more about you and ore of Himself to you. You have such a gift for writing that I know He will use.

    Thanks for sharing yourself with us.


  2. Libby, I apologize for not responding, until today. I had been unaware you left a comment for me. However, I truly appreciate that you took time to read my post and write such an encouraging comment. The amazing news is God has recently opened up a new door of opportunity for writing a book and connecting me to a publisher who has accepted my book for publication. With the Lord’s guidance, I look forward in anticipation to the completion of my new book!

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