We can be told till the cows come home that it’s possible to hear God’s voice. We can even believe it. But what happens when the Enemy of our souls sneaks in and convinces us that we can’t really know, deep down in that place where we know things without a hint of doubt, that […]
When A Woman Finds Her Voice
The Thick-as-Syrup Sound of God
Do you ever long for that thick-as-syrup conviction that you’ve distinctly and unquestionably heard God? That you know He is with you, you know what He was saying and you could walk it out because you know that’s what He wanted for you? If you want to find your voice, you need to hear the […]
If I open the box, will a monster jump out?
Each Thursday I’m honored to host an amazing group of women who gather in our online community to share their voices, to share their passion for you finding your voice. Together we walk through the book, When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference, and we join hands and […]
Angry Enough to Refuse Unfair Circumstances {Voice Study Wk. 3}
Have you ever had something painful happen, and you fell silent about it? Maybe someone did something to you and it was unfair and it hurt and it maybe even caused you to question God, but you said nothing? Maybe you grew angry. And angrier. And the anger filtered into places it should have never […]
Thursdays with the Voice-Bloggers
Each Thursday I’m honored to host an amazing group of women who gather in our online community to share their voices, to share their passion for you finding your voice. Together we walk through the book, When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference, and we join […]
Where is Your Safe Place {Voice Study, Wk. 2}
Where is your safe place? Where {or to whom} do you turn when you are hurting? That’s what we’re talking about this week on our online study, When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference. We’re slowly bringing our pain into focus through the lens of community, […]
Thursdays with the Voice-Bloggers
For the next ten weeks, we are walking through the book When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make A Difference in our online book study. And each Thursday, we will gather here to share our voices around that week’s topic, this week our first gathering. We’d love to have you […]
Online Study: Week One {When A Woman Finds Her Voice}
What a beautiful time of heart-connecting last week! For those of you just finding us, don’t worry, you aren’t behind. Last week was simply the opportunity to say “hello” and connect. And wow, what a bunch of you beautiful women made your way to our new gathering place; what an honor to be with you! […]
Me Too
Those times when life’s not working out like we thought it should—it creates a unique stress, no? A twisting of the heart and mind that holds a false sense of power over our choices. A crushing loss of hope that comes when we feel this hard may never end, the one that drives us […]
When Finding Your Voice Becomes a Community Effort
It’s finally here! Our time to connect and grow through our book study, When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference. Grab your book, your Bible {if you have one}, your markers, and find a quiet corner where you can plug in with us online. I’m so […]