Worthy of a Miracle Book Giveaway

When I met Linda Kuhar a couple years back, I knew she was the type of person I could and would call friend.  Today I’m honored to celebrate with this beautiful girl the release of  her powerful story, Worthy of a Miracle. Although doctors predicted Linda would never walk or breathe again on her own, she […]

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Walking with the Hurting Woman

The wind whispers light across the windshield; my thoughts wander to the expansive fields outside my window. Beautiful country estates line the quiet highway, handsome horses grazing content on fine blades of Kentucky bluegrass. The scene arrests my heart, settles my mind into this quietly comfortable place. She drives me to a lake in eastern […]

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When Your Small Group Isn’t Going Well

Our time together started out strong: these beautiful women who came enthusiastic for hope and eager for practical resources. We were a healthy mixture of mamas and nanas and career folks, all excited about gathering in community with women who “get us,” connecting as only women can. A few were making fairly quick changes in their […]

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The Beauty of Debris

Legs crossed Indian-style, palms facing upward and resting on each knee, I sat in the middle of my living room floor meditating. Not meditating as in yoga-meditating but rather a collapsing-in-the-floor-exhausted-with-too-much-on-my-mind posture. {Although, the palms landing upward may well have been some subliminal sign of the surrender that was to come.} Tears stroked the long […]

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When Intimacy with God Becomes More than a Catch-Phrase

My thumbs flew across the screen of my iPhone, “So, if he who abides in God and God abides in him bears much fruit—where’s the fruit? Am I not abiding?” I was texting my husband Matt, my sounding board and theology coach for times like these. Times when some pretty powerful hurts were leaking right […]

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