Have you ever fallen for a lie? Yea, me too. Ever wonder why we so easily buy into these lies? These caustic words others say to us, or worse, the ones we say to ourselves? These words that immobilize, making us feel insignificant or confused. Unfortunately, this fatal falling for lies was modeled for us […]
Encouragement for Everyday Life
When Regrets Turn to Lessons
The phone slices right through the day’s normal. “She’s in her final hours,” the caller says. In a dash, I grab purse and coat and head out for the ninety-minute trip. Ninety minutes that hang like shadows, reminding me of the times I never made that trip. “We’ll be there soon, I promise,” I’d told […]
When it’s all the things keeping you awake
Column Post by Laura Hyers I got three hours of sleep last night. I don’t say this in the proud way I once did—because I procrastinated and pulled an all-nighter and got some college project done in the nick of time. I say this after a full day of taking care of little ones who […]
When groans are all you’ve got
Column Post by Lisa Easterling “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will […]
We Grow When Life Steals Our Control
Live. Like. Jesus. As Christians we hear it all the time, “We should strive to be more and more like Jesus.” Really? How hard is that! My friend, Mary DeMuth, says it best, “How can we, people weighed down by insecurity and sin and stress, live like Jesus?” Ever feel like it’s impossible to turn […]
Addressing the Issues No One Wants to Talk About
Women Redeemed: Addressing the Issues No One Wants to Talk About September 20th webcast spotlights Kregel’s new line of books that move women toward healing and hope This fall, Kregel Publications has released new books for women, addressing issues that are often too painful and difficult to discuss. Topics such as miscarriage, abortion and […]
Living God’s Way
I watched them, the yard crew working outside my window. Some donned in straw hats that shaded their weather-worn, dark-skinned faces, some with orange safety ear-muffs strapped across their closely-cropped hair. In spite of the near 100-degree sun beating down on them, all were covered head to toe in protective clothing. These, my heroes […]
Hope for the Hurting
Dear Silent One, I see you, tucked in the corner battling for obscurity. Defending yourself from life’s pain. Afraid to trust. Afraid to feel. But I also recognize that craving in the deep recesses of your heart, the place you won’t let others see. My heart is pierced with your longing to be heard, valued, […]
Intoxicating Songs
by Jo Ann Fore My husband shared a verse with me the other day, said it was “for me.” Knowing the spiritual depth of my husband-covering, I take that serious. I pull it in tight. Inhale the fresh perfume. It intoxicates. Encourages. Delivers. Inspires. As I dig in, meditate on the Word, I am renewed. “I […]
Why God, Why?
by Jo Ann Fore There’s a lot of pain in this world. I’ve walked through my share. And I’ll admit, I don’t have the answers; I sure don’t have life figured out. But from personal experience, I have discovered a critical truth. If we blame God, if we get stuck in the “why” of it […]