Don’t Listen To Crows

Guest post by Althea Richardson

My kids and I were (once again) watching the 1978 movie, “The Wiz,” with Diana Ross and Michael Jackson.  Not only do we love the movie, but I love how it is packed with subliminal messages. I enjoy digging out the deeper meaning of a script-writers heart.

In the scene with the scarecrow, played by Michael Jackson, the scarecrow was influenced by his negative environment. The crows bombarded him with negativity, discouragement, and despair as well as fear, anxiety, and distractions. Eventually, the scarecrow felt hopeless. Engulfed by the negative influences, he decided he was forever handicapped.

There he stood, stuck on a pole, made to believe he could never get down. Stuffed with what he thought was trash. But his insides were really packed with quotes from famous people. Imagine, his insides tucked full of little bites of knowledge; he was filled with the very thing he longed for the entire time.

How often are we like the scarecrow? How often do we face the crows as we pursue our own dreams? Afraid to take chances, afraid to go forward based on what others have said.  

Are you confined to your comfort zone (your pole) because you think it’s much easier to stick with what you know?

Don’t let the “crows” tell you can’t achieve your goals.  Don’t accept what negative people tell you. The scarecrow held all he needed to make a change inside of him the whole time, and so do you. You have everything you need inside of you to elevate yourself to the next level. But you must believe.


Althea lives in Houston, Texas with her husband Ben of ten years, two young children ages 7 and 8 and older son age 21. As the founder of WOVE Ministries (Women of Vision and Excellence), her primary passion is to minister to victims of domestic violence and childhood sexual abuse. Her overall mission is to encourage and support as many women as possible; helping them to become the Proverbs 31 women they are predestined to be.  She is currently a senior at Liberty University online where she will earn her bachelor’s degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling in 2013.

 Please feel free to visit her site at  or email her at

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