My past is riddled with shattered places restored and made whole through God’s touch. Being honest enough with God to admit my own failures evoked His grace and mercy, so I can approach God’s throne clean and without sinful blemish. Whew!
The remaining wounds where my body or soul was abused are part of a perplexing, ongoing process. God immediately provided healing, but there seem to be layers like the peeling of an onion. God’s indwelling Spirit is ever so gently working to completely heal all things hidden through my denial, stubbornness, or enemy lies.
Several years ago I knew God was prodding me forward to deal with areas to which I had only allowed Band-Aid applications instead of total cleansing of old wounds. I wrestled and fought with God, worried if I explored my past even with Him, perhaps I would drown in horrifying memories and never return.
Satan knows our hidden wounds (after all, he was the instigator). The enemy uses past hurts to question God’s goodness and even our worth as a person, and to isolate us from others and from God. The last thing the enemy wants is our total freedom; he works hard to convince us we should keep some things hidden and locked away.
Fortunately, God is not a part-time-God, nor a part-time-redeemer and restorer. Jesus’ grace, mercy, and healing are free, full, and complete.
One night I dreamed Jesus was holding my hand. He walked me through my past, showing how He was there, how He loved and cared for me through the moments of abuse, and how His presence heals all wounds. The process was painful, but only because of my own unfounded fears.
God has walked me through an abundance of issues and hurts, and each time the fear lessens and the anticipation grows. Now when I sense His beckoning to go deeper, I might whimper a touch but I rejoice as God guides me forward in the process to become more like His precious Son, Jesus.
And as God tenderly pulls away layers concealed in darkness, His light cleanses, renews, and brings wonderful freedom.
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3).
“Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell” (Psalm 43:3 NIV).
Because there is no memory too dark, no sin too hidden, and no abuse too great for the healing touch of God.
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P.S. We’d love to know your thoughts; be sure to share in the comments section below. This month we will draw TEN winners from our commenters and the winners will receive one of these two books, Hope for a Hurting Heart or To Let You Know I Care by our featured author this month, Cheryl Karpen.
Lisa Buffaloe is Radio host on Living Joyfully Free, an avid blogger, writer, and speaker. Her past experiences—molestation by a baby-sitter, assault, rape by a doctor, divorce, being stalked, cancer, death of loved ones, seven surgeries, and eleven years of chronic illness from Lyme Disease—bless her with a backdrop to share with others God’s amazing promises of healing, restoration, and renewal.
Ok..Lisa and Jo Ann I am in tears now…..such a beautiful testimony Lisa…I had no idea..thank you for sharing so openly..and Jo Ann for having Lisa and just being the great Coach that you are Jo Ann. Love You Ladies..Dee ♥
You are such a blessing. I love how God encourages us through one another. So thankful God spoke to you through Lisa’s words and her healing journey.
Jo Ann
Oh Dolores, I am praying for you. God’s so sweet to walk with us through our pain and our tears. His healing is precious and ongoing. And always gentle.
Love you, sweet one!
No memory too dark for the grace of God! Well said sweet friend. And I’m so thankful for your authentic heart and your willingness to share the comfort you have received. You are a beautiful gem.
Jo Ann, I’m so thankful God allowed our paths to cross. What a blessing to have you as such a precious friend!
Whether our wounds are from our own doings or wrongs done to us, the fact that we can be healed, cleansed and used by God is life’s greatest hope. I can’t imagine the weight of a life without it (although I once was one). I love that verse from Psalms.
Recently I read John 1 again from a different translation and was struck with “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Blessings to both you.
PS I don’t know what happened to my picture–I am not the shadowy man avatar that suddenly has been showing up!
Marcia, amen on the verse! Isn’t it amazing as God light shines in the darkness He lifts away the stains. Our God is soooo amazing!
(P.S. I think you look cute as a shadow woman). 🙂
I’ve experienced the onion effect in my own life. The Lord brings about healing, one layer at a time, until the memories of past hurts might still bring us wistful sadness about the event, but it no longer aches. And as we forgive those that hurt us, another layer is exposed to the air and heals. His loves amazes me.
Amen, April! Forgiveness exposes the hurts to God’s healing. His freedom from the past is so wonderful!
Thank you, Teri. God’s healing and restoration is so beautiful!
Oh Lisa, thank you so much for sharing so bravely. You are an encouragement for many of us ridden and saddled with so much pain and hurt.. Some of us are holding onto past hurts like jewels, yet afraid to look at them, deep inside in case monsters from from the past come out and hurt us again. Yes Satan thanks for reminding us Satan is defeated and Jesus is seating on the throne of mercy. I need help myself to embark on this journey of deliverance and healing.God Bless as you help us to come to him like the woman with the issue of blood. If I too can touch the hem of his garment to be healed
Linda sorry for error the word satan should not follow” yes” but should be after “reminding us” where it is. I did not read before submitting only after submission did I re- read the error.My computer froze as I was typing.
Oh Lord! here I go again please forgive me Lisa for writing Linda instead of Lisa.
Charlotte, I’m praying for you for God’s deliverance and healing. The enemy tries to convince us to keep things locked away and then torments us. I’ll pray for you as you allow God’s light to shine in those dark places. Because as God’s light shines, we find healing and restoration. Praying and sending gentle hugs (((Charlotte)))