As we step into the the practice of writing as a healing tool, there is one dominant rule. One which comes straight from the Master Storyteller. A grammar rule, if you will, straight from the sovereign throne of the One who knows best.
“Do not put a period where I (God) have a comma.”
Are you as guilty as me? How many times I have thought, “period, end of story.”
Sometimes I simply don’t trust God’s timing. But I am learning to trust his character. More than one crisis has changed the course of my life–for the better.
Consider some of our mentors. The ones who have gone before. What if, with a lack of information, we prematurely ended the story of Joseph who through no fault of his own landed in prison? Or Naomi, who when miles away from her homeland lost her entire family to death? Or the ultimate story, when on the cross Jesus drew his last breath?
Beyond the peaks of mountain ranges that appear to meet the edges of the sky, beyond the ocean-deep, inky blue waters that extend unfathomable depths, God sees far beyond what we think is the end.
Father, help us in our discouragement, in our restlessness and anxiety to always trust in you. Help us to praise you, knowing the outcome is in your hands. You will help us. For You are our God. (Read Psalm 43:5.)
Oh JoAnn I just love this! So true may we trust Him and know that in all things He works together for the good of those who love Him. Thank You sweet friend 🙂
O that we would go back to class and learn not to leave the room till He says we have gotten the lesson He desires we learn!
Love this post.
Thank you for writing as He leads.