Right Perspective Changes Everything


“[This] is going to end up far better than it started out …  a glorious finish: a place in which I [God] will hand out wholeness and holiness {Haggai 2:9 MSG).”

The smell of hot buttered rum floated through the air, the candle’s light flickering soft. On my couch, I sat propped with oversized pillows, covered by a light tan throw and surrounded by books. After a recent surgery left me battling crippling neuropathy and overwhelming fatigue, this had become my daily relaxing ritual.

Gnarled leaves held tight to the proud branches of the heroic oak standing outside my living room window. A stark winter landscape had long replaced the glory of the autumn foliage in the woods bordering my home. The leathery oak, a barren reflection of its once imposing stature, appeared lifeless.

Lifeless. Much like I felt, counting the passing days as I battled to regain my health. Are you in this, God? How are you working here—or are you . . . 

{I’m guest posting today at Patty Mason’s Words of Encouragement. Won’t you join me over there for the rest of this post?}

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