Maybe like me, you have wondered if angels drink coffee.
This past weekend I stood at the counter of a local fast food chain next to her. She was a stranger, but something made me notice her. I glanced over and offered a quick smile. She smiled back, then leaned over, invading my comfortable level of personal space.
Maintaining my smile, I said nothing.
“Can I ask you something?” she said. Her voice was laced with an eagerness that was rare from perfect strangers.
“Sure,” I said. I was waiting for my food and she was waiting for her coffee. I had time.
“May I tell you about my Lord and Savior, Jesus?”
I smiled warmly. “Actually,” I said, “I already know Him. He is my Savior, too. Thank you, though.”
She stood up a little taller, slightly leaning further away from me. “Oh, okay.” she said, her words trailing off. A momentary awkwardness passed between us.
I glanced at her coffee, frantically searching my mind for something nice to say about her coffee. Her coffee! Nothing. I collected my food and went to find my family. The day went on as normal.
The next morning I was minding my own business when the entire episode from the previous day replayed in my mind. Only this time, there was a slight pang in my heart. I thought about the stranger. I thought about the courage it must have taken for her to even smile at me, let alone bring up what many deem a sensitive topic.
I replayed a different ending in my head. What if I had said, “Yes, please do!”? What if I had given her just a few minutes out of my day and simply listened? Was I really in that big a hurry to sit in a noisy play-land and watch my son climb the tubular structure with other children? Not really. I could have let her talk.
I could have let her share her heart.
I could have given her an ear to listen.
I could have allowed her to share something that was so important to her she thought it worthy to share with a perfect stranger.
I could have. But I didn’t.
To be honest, I can’t tell you the last time I was brave enough to approach a perfect stranger and be so bold. Why? Fear. Fear of being not only rejected, but ridiculed.
Christmas time is one of the easiest times of the year to share the message behind the holiday. Sadly, I missed a poignant opportunity yesterday. I got so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that I rushed right past the simplicity of the message.
You too?
“Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” Hebrews 13:2
I thank God for sending a stranger with the gentle reminder: May we be intentional in keeping Christ in Christmas this year.
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And so continues our 25 Days of Christmas Giveaways! What that means is when you leave a comment on any of our posts during the month of December, you are entered to win one of numerous sweet prizes we are giving away leading up to Christmas. It’s just our way of saying we treasure you as our reading audience, and we especially cherish your feedback. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us in the comment section and be automatically entered to win, then watch for winner announcements. Christmas blessings from the Write Where It Hurts team!
Aj is a blogger, bookworm, wife and mommy, and an author of children’s books, spiritual thrillers, and inspirational works. Aj’s blog, Shattered Perspectives, is dedicated to encouraging and helping women who have suffered and/or are struggling with abuse. In her spare time Aj can be found nursing cold Diet Cokes and searching for awesome bargains in nearby thrift stores. She resides in Florida with her husband, son, two dogs and the biggest diva of a Siamese cat ever, and can be reached by email at For media requests pertaining to Write Where It Hurts, please contact Aj at
Read more encouraging stories from brave-hearted women here. Be sure to grab your free copy of inspirational quotes and writing prompts while you’re there. (Look over on the right hand side!)
I just recently came across your Face Book page and website. It’s a place I’m sure to be back to many times. I’m glad it exists…for me and for others. I read your post here and it resonated with me…I’ve had those ‘missed’ opportunities too. We definitely need to be more intentional. Thanks, also for the entry into the contest…so happy I found you before the contest was over 🙂
Linda, Thank you so much for your comment. I truly appreciate your words.
I am so glad you found our website as well as our Facebook page. 🙂 Please, make yourself at home. <3
I don't know about you, but I for one pray that God will continue to send me those opportunities, until I finally realize what they are, and learn to seize them. 🙂
So glad to connect. 🙂
May God bless you.
Love hugs and prayers!!
<3, Aj
Merry Christmas AJ!
Your post is a good reminder. Amen to your last two sentences:-)