When Your Small Group Isn’t Going Well

Our time together started out strong: these beautiful women who came enthusiastic for hope and eager for practical resources. We were a healthy mixture of mamas and nanas and career folks, all excited about gathering in community with women who “get us,” connecting as only women can. A few were making fairly quick changes in their […]

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How to Grow Old Without Feeling Old

April is my birthday month. It’s the big 5-0 for me this year. And it’s bigger than ever. A milestone, indeed. One I’d dreaded for years if I’m completely transparent, because well, that’s often when both time and memory start passing quicker, and when doctors start recommending some weird screening tests {think colonoscopy}.  And although […]

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The Beauty of Debris

Legs crossed Indian-style, palms facing upward and resting on each knee, I sat in the middle of my living room floor meditating. Not meditating as in yoga-meditating but rather a collapsing-in-the-floor-exhausted-with-too-much-on-my-mind posture. {Although, the palms landing upward may well have been some subliminal sign of the surrender that was to come.} Tears stroked the long […]

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When Intimacy with God Becomes More than a Catch-Phrase

My thumbs flew across the screen of my iPhone, “So, if he who abides in God and God abides in him bears much fruit—where’s the fruit? Am I not abiding?” I was texting my husband Matt, my sounding board and theology coach for times like these. Times when some pretty powerful hurts were leaking right […]

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