Recently I sat in a conference packed with thirty-somethings, humbled by their meaningful lives. These beautiful women were allowing God to shape their hearts, pure, and intentional. It was a juncture I’d missed, my life much different–my thirties a haze of dysfunction. It’s hard for me to fathom I turn fifty in a couple months. […]
Author: Jo Ann Fore
When Trusting God Takes Courage
I’ve never been naturally courageous. I used to think this courage was something I should be able to muster up, manufacture on my own. And I failed miserably. For years, I battled this intense panic, the sort of head-racing thing that sucks your minds will, overpowers your very breath. The thing the turns your sane, […]
Real Helps for Finding Your Voice
Today my friend Holley Gerth offers a rich vein of encouragement with her new link-up, Coffee for Your Heart, reminding us how very loved we really are. I’m linking up with this existing post because I believe, like Holley does, that we can be free from continually having to prove ourselves, free from feeling we will […]
Breaking the Chains Which Hurt the Mind
Today my friend Holley Gerth offers a rich vein of encouragement with her new link-up, Coffee for Your Heart, asking us gals to share any encouraging words we are passionate about as we begin 2014. These are mine {well, technically they belong to a Roman poet named Ovid, but he says it so much better […]
It’s Their Fault, Not Mine
One day Jesus and his disciples were walking down the street and ran into a blind man. The disciples wanted to know why the man was blind. “Whose sin caused this?” they asked. Isn’t that just like us? Whose fault is this? Who can we pin this on? Determined to understand, we demand explanations, but far too […]
When Christmas Comes
What an absolute joy it has been to connect with you over this past year. I love how we have grown together, gone deeper still in our healing journey, all while uncovering more of our authentic selves. And I am so excited about what God has in store for us in the coming days. This […]
When You Wish You Could Gather All Your Friends
What an absolute joy it has been to connect with you over this past year. I love how we have grown together, gone deeper still in our healing journey, all while uncovering more of our authentic selves. And I am so excited about what God has in store for us in the coming days. […]
When the Holi-Daze Sneak Up on You
The other day I headed out to do some last-minute Christmas shopping. Before long I was skirting around all sorts of tricked-out strollers, the little ones tucked comfortably inside looking all couture in their holiday best while their siblings ran excitedly alongside Mama. It didn’t take long before the ugly green started rising in my […]
When the Holi-Daze Sneak Up on You
The other day I headed out to do some last-minute Christmas shopping. Before long I was skirting around all sorts of tricked-out strollers, the little ones tucked comfortably inside looking all couture in their holiday best while their siblings ran excitedly alongside Mama. It didn’t take long before the ugly green started rising in my […]
The Thick-as-Syrup Sound of God
Do you ever long for that thick-as-syrup conviction that you’ve distinctly and unquestionably heard God? That you know He is with you, you know what He was saying and you could walk it out because you know that’s what He wanted for you? If you want to find your voice, you need to hear the […]