My husband pulled me into his chest, my arms and heart resisting. He persisted, shifted his hold a little tighter, leaning down, whispering into the nape of my neck how he wanted to help but didn’t know how. But he sure wanted to.
The tears fell like acid as I surrendered exhausted to his safety.
Funny how much power you lose pretending to be so strong.
“Am I depressed?” I asked my doctor the next week, following up as I’d promised my husband I would. “And what does depression look like anyway?”
“I think I’m just tired. We’ve been through a lot these last few weeks; anyone would be tired, right?.”
Through a series of questions along with a few tests, we determined I was indeed battling an overwhelming fatigue and more than a few vitamin deficiencies were wrecking havoc on my ability to deal with everyday challenges. So we put together a plan of action to change some things.
Perhaps you’ve been there too, fearing the overwhelm but longing to challenge the lie of the daily routine.
Maybe you’re there now?
With Christmas decorations tucked away {or not}, and expectations for fresh starts and do-overs and goals tempting with the same roar of the holiday frenzy, I wonder if you’re facing any sort of anxiety about the turn of the year?
Were there things you wanted to do last year, but didn’t, and now you’re battling regrets?
Do you dread getting up tomorrow morning and trying to start all over again?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities and just don’t feel motivated enough to tackle them anymore?
Friend, I’ve lived this. And because I understand what it’s like to walk the hard days, I asked my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson to help. {Michelle is a beautiful friend of mine, but she also happens to be a neuropsychologist with over 20 years of professional experience.}
“Everyone gets down sometimes,” I recently said to Michelle, “but how do we know if it’s more than just a case of the blues? And what do we do when the sadness doesn’t lift?”
Michelle, amazing as she is, went all out. She stopped right then to compose a checklist that would help us better understand if what we’re battling is more than a simple case of the post-holiday blues. And if it is, what we should do about it.
I want to encourage you, if you’ve been feeling a little out of sorts lately, claim these next few minutes for yourself {even if you have to lock yourself behind that bathroom door or in that bedroom closet}. Consider this last week as you look over this list, and place a simple check beside any you think might apply.
I’ll also encourage you, this is for you and you alone so you can be completely honest without judgment or expectations or fear. Don’t read the questions with an eye for how you wish things were; simply answer the questions as they apply to you in this season. And don’t worry, we’ll have a {completely free} resource for you after you finish the checklist if you find you need it. {Or if you have a friend or loved one who might.}
Here’s the thing, if you answered yes to three or more of these questions, you may be struggling with something a little more than the everyday blues. But there is hope! Michelle is offering a free webinar where she’s sharing from her personal and professional experience, “10 Tips to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues.” And the great news is this: she’s not selling anything prior to, during, or after this webinar – it is completely free. She simply has a heart to equip us to live a life of joy. Head over here to find out more:
{I invite you to share this post within your circle of influence as more folks have a hurting heart than we sometimes realize.}
{Find more encouragement with Jo Ann’s award-winning book, When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Using Your Story to Make a Difference.}
I was right there too. A week ago. When I finally (after a HUGE fight) admitted to my husband to feeling down lately and how it had been affecting me. Trying to hide it made it even worse. I am going to talk with my doctor next week, inquiring about a vitamin D deficiency, or hormones off kilter, or even talking with her about the need to see a counselor. It makes this journey a bit easier when you know you have someone behind you to support you and help you. I had always thought I needed to act strong and not show my weakness, because I believed the lie that mental issues were easily overcome if only I had a good relationship with God. Even that lie made it worse. Thank you Jo Ann. And Michelle, I cannot wait for your webinar. <3
Oh friend, how I thank you for such rich and refreshing vulnerability. Praying for you on this journey!
Oh dear friend, I know how tought things have been for you and I am so proud of the steps you have taken. Thankfully, I can look at the list and feel unbelievable relief that I am not in that season. But I have been and you know it. Thank you Michelle for your willingness to help others deal with depression and find a real way out!
You are a beautiful encourager and model God’s healing wonderfully, my friend!
Great post. Depression so understood and diagnosed.