Door of Opportunity: Journaling through Job Loss

Guest post by Joyce Harrell

The day starts off full of emotions, this last official day of my employment. Although I am on vacation this week, I’m packing up office equipment which belongs to the company I no longer work for. Through no fault of my own, politics wins and another company seizes the contract. As of today, twelve nurses, including me, are officially without jobs.

Twelve. Doesn’t seem like many, does it? Companies close and lay off thousands at a time. But this hits home. Job loss knocks at my door. Well-meaning people tell me, “Don’t worry about it; you are a nurse and nurses can find a job anywhere”.

Therein lies the problem. I don’t want to find a job “anywhere.”  After being a nurse over two decades,   the resolve to work all night, be away from my family during important events, script artificial statements so patient satisfaction scores rise, and be on my feet continually is just something I no longer want to do.

It really goes much deep than just not wanting to punch the clock and take care of patients. I actually like meeting the needs of those who need help. That’s why I became a nurse to begin with. Nursing has evolved from caring for those in need, to making sure every word is charted politically correct, (on electronic medical records), forming your words so that patients and their families will fill out a patient satisfaction form saying they were completely satisfied (because just being satisfied won’t cut it, they have to be completely satisfied), to enduring verbal abuse from families and physicians.

Something is calling me; has been calling me for years now. Deep in the inner most part of my being is the desire to create a self-sustaining life. It’s not really self-sustaining. I guess God-sustaining is a better phrase. In the most inner part of my spirit is the need and desire to work out of my home using the gifts and abilities God has planted deep inside.

These past few weeks I’ve done some soul searching. Do I work for someone else, or work from home? A peace comes as I allow the creative mind of God to penetrate my thoughts—my heart sees the open door ahead of me, one that allows me to live out what I’d only dreamed of.

God afforded me a wonderful year of traveling and meeting people all over the United States. Financially I have received the most wonderful belief-breakthrough and business-breakthrough training and coaching. In the after-work hours at the hotels I wrote, planned, and learned how to bring my God given desires to help people through independent consulting as a nurse. I imagined it would be several  years in the future. But those several years became six weeks.

Today a new horizon sets before me, one without fear. Somberness as I pack, yes, but not fear. I do not know where, how and when all the right doors will open. But I know God is up to something! There have been many hours of training for me as a wellness coach. I’ve spent many hours learning from the best business coaches how to be a business woman. People are already starting to reach out to me with questions on improving their health, wellness, and spiritual lives. I’m ready to see the next step. I’m letting go, and letting God. I’m ready for this adversity to be channeled into opportunity.


Joyce Harrell is a Mom, Wife, Nana, Nurse, Health & Wellness Coach, Low Glycemic Mind-Body Transformation Coach, Author, Women’s Ministry Speaker, Certified Vision Board Coach, and Aromatherapist. In addition to being a Registered Nurse, Joyce has also received training as a wellness coach through Wellcoaches, and the Wellness Inventory coaching programs. She has co-authored the soon to be released book Heart of Success.

In addition to her Health/Wellness coaching business, she has founded the organization Nurses On The Edge, for nurses who are stressed, eat on the run, or are on the edge of burnout in their nursing careers. Her wellness programs can be utilized by individuals, groups, or the workplace. You may contact Joyce at, or get on her mailing list at  Receive your free copy of CPR for the Kitchen Pantry when you opt in for her newsletter. Nurses can sign up for The N.O.T.E. (nurses on the edge) newsletter at




2 thoughts on “Door of Opportunity: Journaling through Job Loss

  1. Joyce, it’s amazing to see how God has worked behind the scenes to powerfully orchestrate this exciting entrepreneur opportunity for you! His timing is so very perfect. May the Lord utilize all of your talents, gifts and skills as He directs your paths for a higher purpose. Much success and blessings to you in your new adventure!


    • Thank you so much Dana for your encouraging words! I am open to God, and what He has orchestrating for me. In my flesh I know how I want it to work out. In my Spirit, I am open to let Him lead the way.

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