Featured Author: Alice J. Wisler

While doing research for my book, Write Where It Hurts, I stumbled across Alice Wisler. Alice taught Writing the Heartache Workshops and had experience with writing as a healing tool. During our interview, Alice’s insight, wit, and charm drew me in, and we’ve been friends ever since.

Alice J. Wisler is the author of RAIN SONG, HOW SWEET IT IS, HATTERAS GIRL and A WEDDING INVITATION (all inspirational fiction by Bethany House Publishers).  She also teaches Writing the Heartache Workshops—online grief writing courses and speaks at conferences and seminars.  Learn more about Alice at her website.

Leave a comment for Alice at the end of our interview and be registered in a drawing for
A WEDDING INVITATION, Alice’s latest release.


Jo Ann: Alice, tell us all about you and your books.

Alice:  I grew up in Japan as a missionary kid and also had a son who had cancer and died at age four.  Because of my upbringing and my loss, my novels will always contain an international component and grief and loss. I write to entertain because I believe when one picks up a novel, he/she desires to be entertained.  If readers get anything else positive from my books, that is a wonderful bonus for me. My novels all take place in North Carolina and are labeled as “light, romantic and fun!

Jo Ann: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Alice: I’ve been writing since I was in first grade.  My teacher praised my little stories with stick-figure illustrations, and marched me with my classmates into the third and fourth grade classrooms to read these creations. (I attended a small elementary school in Kyoto, Japan.)

Jo Ann: What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Alice: Starting a new novel is easy, but somewhere around 10,000 words, it can overwhelm me.  I want to be further along, but know that plodding at a steady pace is the only way to get further along.

Jo Ann: What books have best helped your writing?

Alice: Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird is so much fun to read and absorb!

Jo Ann: What does your writing schedule look like (particular word count or total insanityJ)?

Alice: I like to write at least 2,000 words a day and then when my novel’s first draft is nearly complete, the word count no longer motivates me because the story and sheer fun of writing does!   I usually write 4 to 5 hours each weekday.

Jo Ann: What has life as a writer taught you?

Alice: Loads of humility. Continual trust in God.

Jo Ann: Chocolate or vanilla?

Alice: Butter almond!

Jo Ann: As a writer, what challenges you?

Alice: I am always seeking to improve my writing.  I’m challenged when I read a great work—-reading great books that speak to me through dialogue, insight, and story makes me what to write even better.

Jo Ann: How did you make yourself attractive to a publisher/agent?

Alice: Still not sure about that one, but it did happen, I guess!  ;-)

Jo Ann: How do you deal with rejection?

Alice: Rejection is always hard.  I tend to sulk a bit and then I move on to what is next on my plate.

Jo Ann: What are some signs of a promising writer?

Alice: The willingness to learn the rules of the craft, the ability to edit, and the sheer determination to succeed.

Jo Ann: What top three things would you tell a novice writer?

Alice: Keep at it, keep at it, keep at it!  Don’t give up. “The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.”


Thank you, Alice for sharing with us today. We’ve enjoyed getting to know you better—and great tips.

Don’t forget, leave a comment for Alice and be registered for a FREE copy of her book.


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