Hearing the Voice of God

hear God's voice

Precious Daughter,

You are safe to leave your water jar, safe to turn to me for all your needs. Yes, all of your needs. I love you. And I really do have great plans for you—in spite of all you’ve seen come against you.

On this journey to find our voices, we must first hear God’s. His loving voice has the ability to eclipse our past, any pain that holds us back. His very breath can erase our hurts and gently guide us into the future He has planned—but are we listening?

I long to share my plans with you but I cannot unless you can hear me and follow me. If you come to me with an expectant and listening attitude, if you sit in regular conversation with me, I will speak to you. Learn to sit still, to wait on my voice, my truth that will fill your thirsty heart.

Do you remember the first time you heard me? That sensing of my Presence, that heart-stirring that brought you into an intimate covenant relationship with me? Hearing me today is still that way—pay attention to that familiarity. Practice spending time in my presence.

I have your best interests at heart, here. Will you listen? Really listen? The more you choose to listen to me, the easier it becomes.

Will you start believing me–not just believe in me, but believe me? Will you trust me? One day, you will have my character and love for you so etched in your mind that you will know to trust my voice. Until then, keep practicing my voice based on the Words I’ve left you in scripture.

Please remember this above all else: I’m always here for you. There won’t be one time that you turn to me and I’m not. Even on the times you feel you cannot hear me or feel my presence, I am here. Choose this day to remain under the covering of my safe, protective love. The same love that will walk into your future with you.

As you learn to recognize my voice, you will uncover your own—your true voice, the one directly tied to your identity and purpose, to my plans for you. Don’t be anxious over the next step, my plan will unfold as we go. I promise. Simply trust for now. Just listen for my voice. It’s the one laced in truth, love, hope, and joy. The one that draws you right into my safe and loving arms. The one that leads you home.


The Voice of Truth

Deeper Still: What was the last thing God pressed onto your heart, prompted you to do?


We’re linking up today around the topic of hearing God’s voice. Do you recognize God’s voice? How do you hear Him? Do you ever struggle with being able to hear Him? We would love to hear your stories. Share with us by linking up below, and if you aren’t a blogger simply leave us a comment below.

11 thoughts on “Hearing the Voice of God

  1. “As you learn to recognize my voice, you will uncover your own—your true voice, the one directly tied to your identity and purpose, to my plans for you.” This, right here is one of the reasons I am plowing forward to find true healing. I know God has this, right in His loving arms, where I will find true healing and freedom.

  2. I have been asking God for an answer and He has responded in you last 2 paragraphs. thank you, I really enjoy your blog!

    • Krysta, I love when God does something like that–thank you for sharing. And I’m honored to keep company with you!

  3. Loved Beyond Repair

    As this season draws to a close with warm lovely nights, bright morning sunrise, do you know how you are Loved?

    No doubt remains here.

    Since the beginning of time God has been for you, has been there with you, and for me. Ask Him. He’ll show you. There’s one more thing He’s been asking, whispering to you too, perhaps?


    “Will You?”

    “Let Me?”

    That’s all. Two words. ”Let Me.. show you how deeply you’re loved and treasured just as you are.” There are so many things We could do together, You and I, if you’ll just
    Let Me..love you just as you are. Let Me prosper you where you are. Let Me protect you , lift you up, empower you. Let Me.”

    A mountain top experience brought this clearly to view for this woman. The God of Wonders would want me? Right where we are, He whispers…can you hear?

    “Daughter, Your imperfections are what I adore”

    Your Adoring {not so Secret} Admirer, God.
    Shandra White Harris~One Woman, ruined for the ordinary, Thankfully never to be the same~Amen.

  4. “Don’t be anxious over the next step, my plan will unfold as we go.” These words were the springboard for my own post. I find it ironic that this proved to be true in so many areas of my life, as well as most of the things I post to my blog. I start out thinking I know what ‘I’ want to write and then God begins to take me down a road. He always amazes me! We serve such an amazing God!
    Thanks so much for allowing God to speak through you!!
    Gay Idle @ CaptiveHeart

  5. This one took me a long time to get down – it is either one of my best or it won’t make sense at all! 🙂 God moved me to these words, and this clarity in my life. Thank you Jo Ann for being the blessing that He used to strengthen my voice!

  6. On this journey to know God, to feel His touch, to hear His Voice…To Be His voice in a hurried-paced world…Letting go of judgments. Embracing the hurting soul…Just loving on people. Finding God in the midst of hurt and despair…Understanding covenant. We are a covenant people with God, with each other…With those God has joined us to…Having ears to hear…

  7. Bless you all for sharing – I have enjoyed each post!

    On a side note, if you notice problems with Blogger letting you comment, please let me know. It is picky sometimes! 🙂

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