Candy, cards, stuffed bears, and balloons … they peered at me from every corner of each store I dared to step foot in this week.
Preparing for a celebration. Valentine’s day.
My heart fell heavy for those without a “Valentine,” for those who may be hurting during this season of love. So I sat, pen in hand, and wrote a Valentine’s letter to our Creator, the perfect Love, the perfect Lover, to override this commercial temptation of experiences and expectations.
Dear Jesus,
You love without conditions.
You embrace our unlovable actions with no inhibitions.
You reach out beyond circumstances and draw us close to you.
You whisper words of encouragement, drowning out all of our fears and doubts.
You hold our hands when we are scared and lead us when we can no longer see.
You sit with us in our sadness and wipe each of our tears away.
You stand with us when we are unable to run the race any longer.
We only know the limitations of human love, and yet we measure you against those experiences.
You’re oh so much greater.
You know us better than we know ourselves.You believe in us when we can’t.
You’re always there. Reliable, trustworthy and honorable.
You’re our healer, provider, and protector. You’re our shepherd.
In the midst of brokenness and anger, you accept us, just as we are.
Your love compels us. And you refuse to leave.
You have seen the real person inside. The ugly, the damaged, the hurt.
You know our thoughts, agendas and dreams.
And you love us in spite of them all.
You’ve walked beside us through wrong and selfish decisions, refusing to leave our side, even when we have willingly left yours.
We’ve never gone beyond your gaze or reach.
You’re always within a whispered cry for help.
We don’t deserve you or your unconditional love, yet we can not breathe without it.
You’re our comfort and our shelter from the storms that often surround us.
Help us to love you more each day, without conditions, without fears.
Teach us to embrace you with everything that we are.
I know this is the week to celebrate love.
We are thankful for each person you have placed in our lives.
Thank you that we have known love.
Thank you that we do love.
Thank you for our family and friends.
Continue to teach us how to love, not just this week, not just a certain calendar-day, but every moment of every day, for the rest of our lives.
I hold my broken heart … my most prized gift, Jesus, will you be mine?
For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Aj is a blogger, bookworm, wife and mommy, and an author of children’s books, spiritual thrillers, and inspirational works. Aj’s blog, Shattered Perspectives, is dedicated to encouraging and helping women who have suffered and/or are struggling with abuse. In her spare time Aj can be found nursing cold Diet Cokes and searching for awesome bargains in nearby thrift stores. She resides in Florida with her husband, son, two dogs and the biggest diva of a Siamese cat ever, and can be reached by email at
Aj…I was awake in the middle of the night and I began to contemplate the love of Jesus. I thought about all the people in my life, family members, client, neighbors, who don’t know his love. I thought about the fact that he loves each one of them just as much as he loves me and others who love him back. It made my prayers for them less “fear filled.” After all…he loved us while we were yet sinners. Happy Valentine’s Day Aj!
I simply adore your heart, and the way you love so many.
I appreciate you!
Happy Valentines Day